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Our Mallard of Mystery Has Some Tales of His Own About Training for the Pace Center for Girls Duck Race and Helping out the Ducks of Tomorrow

Home-Tech Race for Pace

Techster Duckster on Display for Best Dressed Duck

Race day is a little more than two weeks away and Techster Duckster has been hard at work, training for the big day on the Manatee River. Thanks to Tropical Storm Debby, Techster has found plenty of new ponds to train in. Not even the rain could keep him away from going for the gold at the Lucky Ducky Race for Pace Center for Girls.

We were lucky to catch Techster Duckster before he waddled out of the office for his afternoon workout.

Techster, what do you do when you aren’t training for the big race?

When I am not quacking with the other ducks, I hang around Home-Tech’s new showroom in Lakewood Ranch with Jeff Hendershott. He is always baking me fresh cookies in the Whirlpool display ovens.  I think I motivate the team to sell, sell, sell. They are a great bunch, even if I am last in the pecking order when it comes to getting a beer from the TRUE beverage dispenser (kegerator). OH! And most recently, they let me go out and drive around in the WOW truck. That was really fun!

We often see you around town with little ducklings?  Are they yours?

QUACKTASTIC QUESTION!  The ducklings are my little buddies.  Every good duck needs a strong drake to teach them how to swim and learn right from wrong.  I am their BIG DUCK and they are my LITTLE DUCKLINGS.  Many of the ducklings are from the charities of choice Home-Tech participates in, all of which help children.  With me today are ducklings from the Ronald McDonald House, Pace Center for Girls in Lee and Manatee and the C’Mon Museum.

Home-Tech Race for Pace

Techster Duckster and the Ducklings

Are the sunglasses for protection or just a signature trademark?

Very funny.  They improve my eyesight on the water. There is a lot of glare out there, and in order to perform at my best during the race, I need to have a clear visual of the finish line.  Also, I wear them to keep the paparazzi away.

Is there a special feathered female in your life right now?

I am a highly sought out duck, but I am bachelor.  For the right chick or hen, I would be quite the catch.  I am an awesome cook and a laundry aficionado.  My laundry room and gourmet kitchen in my nest are top-notch, thanks to Home-Tech, of course.

We hear you are quite the comedian.  Tell us a joke?

A duck walks into a pharmacy and says, “Do you have any chapstick?”  When the pharmacist hands it to him the duck replies, “Thanks, just put it on my bill.”

We thank Techster Duckster for taking time out of his training schedule to check in with us today.  Please help out Techster and his team, Home-Tech’s Ducktales.  Help us build up Techster’s team, so he has plenty of teammates.  A lonely duck never makes it to the finish line, but a flock can dominate.  Help out Techster and Pace Center for Girls in Manatee today.

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Nick was awesome! He was working next door, I told him my problem. 10 minutes later I had a fixed washer, service agreement and happy wife! Thanks Home-Tech!
Rick B.