(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

florida-primary-voteExplosives are everywhere as we get closer and closer to the Florida Primary for the Presidential election this Tuesday. Here at Home-Tech, we’re thrilled that you’re even on the computer or your cell phone reading this blog, because these days, being on the Internet is like walking through a political minefield.

Facebook users have found themselves having to delete cousins and even hide the posts of their parents or children to avoid having abnormally high blood pressure readings. Politics are ALWAYS a touchy subject (everyone remembers their mother’s best advice: “Never discuss politics or religion around the dinner table”) but the 2016 Presidential election (including the Florida Primary) seems to be above and beyond circus-like proportions. In fact, if some of the recent debates started featuring dancing bears, sword swallowers, and acrobats, I don’t think any of us would find ourselves surprised.

Maybe Vote for the Cocktail Party

Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you’re likely feeling underwhelmed with your choices and overwhelmed with all the hype. Dinner parties are getting ugly, Facebook has become a fight club, and the robo-calls have barely even started. Just know that if you delete cousin Charlie for being a socialist and start arguing on your sister-in-law’s wall because she thinks you’re a “loser” for not voting for Trump, Thanksgiving is going to be really, really awkward this year. One way to look at it, is that there’s the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the Cocktail Party – and at this point, most of us are leaning towards the Cocktail Party – it certainly sounds like more fun.

The “Florida Primary” That Matters: Service Agreementsappliance repair

Meanwhile, when it comes to air conditioning and appliance repair and maintenance, voting for Home-Tech is not only your best bet, it’s the safest and most loyal. Folks who care about fiscal responsibility will love the value of a Service Agreement with Home-Tech. For a Gold or Silver Agreement, you pay a conservative price for 7 days a week service calls, air conditioning maintenance and more.

And for those whose platform is peace (of mind), you can’t go wrong with a Service Agreement with Home-Tech, where we take the worry out of home ownership and expensive repairs. Lots Americans are concerned over climate control, we get it – so, with a Service Agreement from Home-Tech, you can be assured that with our top-notch air conditioning experts, your home will always be the right temperature, despite global warming.

It’s Your Right – Don’t Forget to Vote

This Tuesday, remember to vote at the Florida Primary! And every day, be sure and vote for the most dependable choice in the service industry in all of Southwest Florida – Home-Tech. (P.S. Home-Tech approves of this message).

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*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

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I’m a long time service agreement holder. Marty was here late at night for my AC. He’s exceptional and professional.
P. Glazier