(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

Do something nice to day graphicThis weekend, the calendar told us it was Do Something Nice Day, but Home-Tech goes beyond every day. We think every day is the perfect day to do something nice. We believe that you can’t do ac repairs and appliance repairs in a community unless you’re a part of that community — and if you’re part of it, you want to do everything you can to make it better.

Home-Tech Goes Beyond Repairs

As the first few breezes of Fall make their way across Southwest Florida, lots of our fabulous winter residents are making their way back to our tropical oasis — and while lounging around in the sun with a frosty beverage is a very nice and much-deserved way to spend your time, there are plenty of hours in the day to do something nice for others, too.

A “Purrfect” Way To Be NiceARC

We have some favorite causes here at Home-Tech and if you visit our main headquarters in Fort Myers, you’ll be able to guess one that’s close to our hearts – when it comes to the cute pups making themselves at home at Home-Tech, we’re happy to report that most are rescue dogs that our big-hearted team members have adopted.

We love the Animal Refuge Center in Fort Myers, a non-profit, no-kill shelter that can always benefit from donations, volunteers, and animal lovers to foster homeless pets. If you’d like to do something nice, visit their website for more information: www.animalrefugecenter.com – and while you’re at it, you can order tickets to A.R.C.’s 20th Annual Starlight Auction happening November 29th at Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa. Home-Tech is a proud sponsor of this sparkly event that helps our furry friends.

home-tech-goes-beyond-repairs-volunteer-at-habitatHappy Habitats

If you’re handy and you love to build, we hope you’ll check out www.habitat4humanity.org and learn about all the nice things you can do for Habitat for Humanity. Our team has built many houses, plus we’ve donated materials — and there’s nothing more gratifying then helping a future home owner build their first home.

Another cause we love here at Home-Tech is PACE Center for Girls. PACE is a school for at-risk girls and they make a huge difference in our community. PACE needs mentors — plus they have everything from school supplies to clothing to toiletries on their wish list. Do something nice and visit www.pacecenter.org

Let’s make it Do Something Nice Day every day of the year – Home-Tech goes beyond what the job entails and is right there with you.

Request Fast Same-Day* Service

*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

Join Lots of Happy Customers

Home-Tech’s Attaboy program is designed for customer feedback and we’re happy to share it. Let Home-Tech know how we are doing! We’re happy to receive your feedback.

Home-Tech is Rated A+

Our Google pageBBB page, Angie’s List reviews and more are all top notch. We appreciate the testimonials that we receive every day from our customers through email, our Google reviews and on our Better Business Bureau web page. Please keep sharing your thoughts about Home-Tech’s service!

Our Home-Tech Service Agreement is one of the best investments we have made since moving to Florida 15 years and 5 houses ago and one of the reasons that I recommend Home-Tech. Thanks to Home-Tech for all that you do.
Melanie J.