(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

key to the cureLast week, we here at Home-Tech were excited to participate in and attend the annual Key to the Cure kick-off shopping event with the always festive Breakfast at Saks. The breakfast and fashion show was hosted by the Lee Memorial Health System Foundation to support local cancer care – a cause that Home-Tech proudly supports – and an event that we’ve been involved with for the past three years.

In The Pink

Honoring the color of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October, tablecloths were bright pink and fun pink feather boas were worn by many guests. Lots of fashionable attendees wore pink and the many of the guys sported pink ties.

Eye Candy Galorekey to the cure event fort myers

The weather was perfect for the sold-out event held just outside in the Bell Tower courtyard where sponsors get to decorate their tables and show off their creative skills. There were animal prints, cupcake centerpieces, wine bottle themes, and tons more. Home-Tech partnered with Just Like Family Home Care & Concierge to create a striking violet and orange themed table, plus we were excited to donate a keginator, the ultimate party appliance to keep your beer nice and cold, to the auction, which was won by Diana Willis of Jason’s Deli (pictured with Sonya Sawyer, Home-Tech CFO).

Shop ‘til you Drop

We spotted lots of media folks, politicos, and community leaders in the crowd – and it was a super fun way to kick-off the day. And now it’s time to shop! Saks Fifth Avenue at the Bell Tower will donate 2% of all sales from Oct. 18th through Oct. 21st to benefit women’s cancer initiatives at Lee Memorial Health System’s Regional Cancer Center in Fort Myers during the Key to the Cure charity shopping weekend celebration.

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*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

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I have a contract with Home-Tech and our AC was leaking. A tech showed up at 7:30pm and addressed the problem.
J. Bishco