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single girl's refrigeratorThere’s a line in an early episode of “Sex and The City” where Carrie Bradshaw admits to buying Vogue magazine before buying food, because she felt the fashion magazine “fed her more”.

The Truth About a Single Girl’s Refrigerator

Carrie, like a lot of single girls, had a kitchen in her apartment, but it didn’t see a lot of action. Back when your trusty Home-Tech blogger was single, my kitchen was pretty empty, too. The pantry had a couple cans of tuna and there may have been a jar of Ragu. The refrigerator had mustard, ketchup, peanut butter, and a jug of White Zinfandel.

When it came to a well-stocked kitchen, I was bad, but I had a single girlfriend who was worse – she owned so many shoes that she stored them in her kitchen cupboards – seriously. During my single days, whenever I’d go to a married friend’s house, I was constantly amazed by the kitchen inventory. Their refrigerators were filled with cold cuts, and veggies, and left-over mashed potatoes from the night before – and on their counters were gadgets galore – juicing machines, waffle irons, and slicers, and dicers. It was almost overwhelming.

What’s in YOUR Fridge?Kitcheaid 5 door refrigerator

In the spirit of nostalgia, I polled a few gal pals who are currently single to get an idea of what’s currently in their refrigerators to check on their inventory (or lack thereof).

Linda: “I’m on the Cabbage Soup Diet, so there’s only a huge Tupperware container of cabbage soup, which admittedly is boring to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – but, hey, the weight is falling off and I’ll be swimsuit ready by July!”

Denise: “Styrofoam – lots of Styrofoam. I eat out a LOT and I always have leftovers to bring home. There’s Indian, Chinese, and I think a little bit of Mexican in there, too. At this rate, I’ll never have to go to the grocery store.”

Melanie: “I’ve got great intentions – so my refrigerator is full of fruits and veggies on the verge of going bad. I always say I’m going to go home after work and cook, but then I get asked out on a date or end up at Happy Hour with the girls, and the good intentions go out the window. What can I say? I’m having too much fun being single to cook!”

true wine coolerA Refrigerator for Wine

If you’re one of those single girls who’s having a fabulous time living life while your refrigerator stands empty and your kitchen gathers dust, I do suggest a refrigerator for wine – a wine cooler from Home-Tech. A single girl’s refrigerator is complete with a refrigerator just for wine. This way when you host a Happy Hour, your friends will be envious as you pull the delicious wines from the shelves of your wine cooler. And you’ll have more room in your refrigerator for condiments and take-out.

Home-Tech offers beautiful and efficient wine coolers from trusted names like KitchenAid, Frigidaire, U-Line, Avante and G.E.. Stop into one of our Member Appliance Centers on your way to Happy Hour and take a look or shop online. And please remember, they’re not for shoe storage.

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