(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

TalkingWhat if our appliances and air conditioning could talk?

If you were told five years ago that there would be a voice in your smart phone named Siri, you probably would have thought it was pretty far-fetched — and yet these days, we chat with Siri about almost everything including the weather and what to watch on TV tonight. By the way, just for giggles and grins, ask Siri what’s zero divided by zero — I promise, you won’t regret it.

What if you could get AC advice directly from your air conditioner?  Let’s imagine that . . .

Meet AC (Who Gives a LOT of AC Advice)

Hi AC! It’s been a long, hot Florida summer and it’s not over yet. How are you?”

AC: “How do you THINK I am. I’m losing the will to live.”

“Wait! You HAVE to keep going. It’s still in the 90’s outside! I need you!”

AC: “You don’t have to tell ME that. I’m the one working day and night without a rest. Listen, I can’t clean my OWN filter, would it kill you to replace it? I can barely breathe up in here.”

“Oh, wow. I’m so sorry. I’ll get on that.”

AC: “Not only am I dirty, I think I’m rusting from all this salt air. Can you take care of that too?”

“I… um… I don’t know how to that.”

AC: “Of course you don’t — you’re not an air-conditioning tech. Seriously, you need to call Home-Tech and get me checked.”

“Do you have the phone number?”

AC: “Who do you think I am? Siri?… Actually, yes. I happen to have it right here. Call 800-800-8356. Like, NOW.”

“Why? Is there something ELSE wrong?”

AC: “That’s the point! You don’t WANT anything else to go wrong. What if you ignore me and I take my last gasp one sweltering night when you’ve got me down to 70 degrees?”

“That would be awful!”

AC: “I know, right? I could freeze up and shut myself down. I could be rusting in parts you never see. I could have clogs.  Heck, I could even have a SNAKE in my boot — I’ve talked to other air-conditioners and have heard some horror stories — we’ve been known to vent to each other. Get it? VENT? I crack myself up.”

“Okay, okay! I’ll call Home-Tech, but what are they going to do?”

AC: “They’re going to check me out before I get sick. Clean me, my filter, my hoses, my vents, and they’ll take a thorough look inside and outside, too. Home-Tech offers the best clean and check in Southwest Florida. And since I’ve kept you nice and cool all summer long, don’t I deserve the best?”

“What was that number again?”

AC: “Sigh. 800-800-8356. And YOU thought Siri was the smart one.”

Request Fast Same-Day* Service

*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

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Our Google pageBBB page, Angie’s List reviews and more are all top notch. We appreciate the testimonials that we receive every day from our customers through email, our Google reviews and on our Better Business Bureau web page. Please keep sharing your thoughts about Home-Tech’s service!

James Goodwin inspected my AC system and cleaned it thoroughly. Another great job by Home-Tech! Keep up the good work!
K Morehead, Fort Myers