(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

PlumbingJust when you thought you knew all there was to know about Home-Tech and all of our expert services, we’ve got news for you! You can add plumbing and electrical options to your Service Agreement! Yes, we repair air-conditioners, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and other major appliances. And of course you know that we offer the best brand names in our showrooms including G.E., Frigidaire, Bosch, and more. Adding the plumbing and electrical options give you more flexibility when things go wrong in your household.

Service Agreements Make It Easyplumbing Water heater repair

Yes, as part of our Service Agreement package, you can go for the plumbing and electrical options, which means one-stop support for so many of your minor plumbing and electrical needs. Our technicians are some of the best and well-trained in all of Southwest Florida.

Not only do they go through Home-Tech’s extensive and educational boot camp experience, they’re fully certified, and benefit from continuing education every month. They’re drug tested and background checked, so you can have full confidence in the stranger showing up to your home. You can call our Service Agreement experts today at (800) 800-8356 ext. 3 and they will tell you all the details of this very convenient option.

Tips for a Happy Garbage Disposal

As much as we enjoy sending our friendly plumbers and electricians to your homes to meet you and repair your appliances, we also like to help you prevent mishaps. And with every big meal that you plan, you’ll need to be careful with your garbage disposal – so here are a few tips to keep it running smoothly:

  • Use COLD water with your garbage disposal; hot water has been known to cause the motor and other moving parts to overheat.
  • Always feed the disposal a little at a time – don’t overwhelm it. And of course, keep your fingers (and utensils) out of the drain.
  • While some disposals can handle small bones, it’s a good rule of thumb to avoid letting ANY bones go down the disposal drain.
  • Even after the food has cleared the shredder, keep the water running another 30 – 60 seconds, as it still has some travelling to do.
  • A great way to clean and clear your disposal is to make ice cubes with lemon juice or vinegar. Turn the cold water on, turn the disposal on, and then toss the ice cubes in (a couple at a time). Putting in small slices of orange peels can keep your disposal smelling good, as well.
  • Usually, common sense helps us know what should and should not go down the disposal, but sometimes, especially when we’re in a rush, we can get careless. Here are a few things that should NOT meet your disposal: Egg shells (they turn into a sandy substance that can clog the pipes), fruit pits (think avocados and peaches), banana peels, unpopped popcorn kernels, corn husks or corn cobs, and grease.
  • Finally, be kind to your garbage disposal and it will be kind to you.

For more Garbage Disposal Tips check out our helpful tip video.

Plumber 1 reducedJoin Our Plumbing Team!

We think the reason that we get such excellent plumbers and electricians is because Home-Tech is such a great place to work – and right now, there are opportunities for plumbing professionals. We’re seeking plumbers to join our motivated, enthusiastic team. We offer stock, which means employee ownership – you invest in us, and we invest in YOU. Wages are generous, with medical, dental, vision, hospitalization, life, and disability insurance. Plus paid holidays, paid vacations, a competitive 401k program and lots more! And it’s easy to apply online – do it today, or share with a plumbing pro you know.

Request Fast Same-Day* Service

*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

Join Lots of Happy Customers

Home-Tech’s Attaboy program is designed for customer feedback and we’re happy to share it. Let Home-Tech know how we are doing! We’re happy to receive your feedback.

Home-Tech is Rated A+

Our Google pageBBB page, Angie’s List reviews and more are all top notch. We appreciate the testimonials that we receive every day from our customers through email, our Google reviews and on our Better Business Bureau web page. Please keep sharing your thoughts about Home-Tech’s service!

Our Home-Tech Service Agreement is one of the best investments we have made since moving to Florida 15 years and 5 houses ago and one of the reasons that I recommend Home-Tech. Thanks to Home-Tech for all that you do.
Melanie J.