(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

Getting on top of appliance repair bills isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year’s Resolutions. I get it – it’s not necessarily exciting but it is necessary. So far, at least for your procrastinating Home-Tech blogger (bloggess?), New Year’s resolutions are at a bit of a standstill. Case in point – we’re almost three weeks into 2019 and I’m just now writing a blog about New Year’s resolutions. Tell me you can relate.

Resolution Challenges…appliance-repair-bills

I have clever and well-thought out theories (ok, excuses – whatever) on why we poor Southwest Floridians struggle a bit with our resolve when it comes to the New Year – and this goes for our snowbird residents, too. Let’s be honest, most well-intentioned resolutions are centered around exercising more, eating less, and cutting down on alcohol.

There’s also reading more books, getting more sleep, and organizing our homes. All this is coming off what’s usually a pretty exhausting holiday season that starts with Halloween and ends on January 2nd. Now, if we were up north, it would be frigidly freezing and we would go into hibernation mode, only leaving the house to go to the gym. Otherwise, staying home and making smoothies with the new NutriBullet we got for Christmas or counting our steps on the FitBit that was in our stocking, or reading important books.

But, no – this is, after all, paradise. Where even on slightly chilly days, the weather is beautiful and parties, events, and festivals are happening nearly every weekend. And especially if you’re only here for season, it’s not to sweat on a treadmill and eat protein bars. It’s also not to worry about silly appliance repair bills and wonder what’s going to break next. It’s to lay in the sunshine, sip tropical cocktails, and enjoy lots of fried seafood.

The Perfect Resolution – No More AC and Appliance Repair Bills

See what I mean about New Year’s resolutions being extra challenging around these parts? Okay, there is one resolution that doesn’t require sweat OR deprivation, and in fact, can make enjoying beautiful Southwest Florida in season that much more relaxing. When it comes to resolutions, make 2019 sweeter by going for the Gold – or the Silver.

We’re talking A Home-Tech Service Agreement that protects your appliances and your home from unexpected snafus like a broken air-conditioner, a dead refrigerator, or a washing machine on the fritz. There are even plumbing and electrical options because with Home-Tech, we’re all about being thorough. With a Service Agreement, when you call us for help, there’s no procrastinating. We’ll be there almost as fast as the ball that drops at midnight – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Get your appliance repair bills under budget and out of mind.

Make sure you’re protected, so that instead of waiting around for a repair person, you’re on time for the gym, shopping for hours for vegetables for your Nutribullet, and stocking up on non-alcoholic beer.

Oh, c’mon, who are we kidding? Get that Service Agreement so you can have fun on the boat, dance at the party, and toast a fabulous 2019!

Request Fast Same-Day* Service

*On a workload permitting basis.

Employee Ownership

“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

Join Lots of Happy Customers

Home-Tech’s Attaboy program is designed for customer feedback and we’re happy to share it. Let Home-Tech know how we are doing! We’re happy to receive your feedback.

Home-Tech is Rated A+

Our Google pageBBB page, Angie’s List reviews and more are all top notch. We appreciate the testimonials that we receive every day from our customers through email, our Google reviews and on our Better Business Bureau web page. Please keep sharing your thoughts about Home-Tech’s service!

I always feel good about having a Home-Tech employee come to service my home appliances. I appreciate your employees and how they are treated as employees of a great company in SW Florida. Keep up the good work!
A. Schwindt