(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981
hurricane appliance repair

If you’re a Florida native, chances are you’re a seasoned hurricane pro. This doesn’t mean you don’t panic every time you hear that there’s a potential tropical storm off the coast of the Bahamas, but it does mean you’re used to preparing quickly. Because hurricanes tend to occur during the end of summer, there are usually a good amount of part-time residents or vacationers stuck here to ride out the storm. There are certain must-do’s to prepare for a storm, including protecting your A/C unit and purchasing non-perishable “hurricane food.”


Why Are Non-Perishable “Hurricane Foods” Necessary?

Unless you’re one of the lucky ones with a generator, your power will most likely go out due to the storm. In this case, your refrigerator should remain shut so your refrigerated food won’t spoil and smell. You’ll lose electricity which prevents you from using your microwave or electric stove. So, it’s important to keep non-perishable foods in your emergency kit!

gas-stove-during-hurricaneWill My Gas Stove Work Without Power?

This is great to know before hurricane season is in full swing, so you know what food you can get. Nowadays, gas stoves are often still dependent on electricity to light the burners on a typical day. However, on some models, you can bypass the electrical ignition during a power outage by using matches to light the burners instead. You can check your owner’s manual to see if your stove top has an interlock, which would prevent you from being able to use your gas stove without power. Here’s what you need to do to use your gas stove with no electricity:

1. Turn Your Stove Off

Make sure your burner knobs are turned to the “off” position.


2. Light a Match

Strike a long wooden match (to lower the risk of burning yourself).


3. Put Fire to the Flame Ports

Hold the match directly to the flame ports. Use extreme caution!


4. Make Sure the Stove Is on Low Heat

Turn the knob to the lowest possible setting.


5. Put out the Flame

Blow out the match.


6. Heat Your Food

Heat your food and turn the burner “off.” This should put the flame out immediately.

non-perishable-groceriesWhat “Hurricane Food” Should I Get?

Getting the right food items can be tricky. While the random food and toilet paper shortages of 2020 have prepared Floridians for hurricane season, it’s also made us more resistant to the thought of canned foods. That’s why the experts at Home-Tech wanted to provide a list of healthy, tasty non-perishables you can keep on hand from June 1st to November 30th.


It’s important to stay hydrated during a storm, especially if you have no electricity. As the temperature begins to rise after your air conditioning stops working, reach for these drinks instead of drinks high in sugar.

  • Water
  • Sports drinks like Gatorade and PowerAde


Protein can be hard to eat when you don’t have the ability to use a stove or oven. These items are high in protein and can be eaten without preparation.

  • Nuts and nut butters
  • Beef jerky
  • Canned tuna, salmon and other fish
  • Canned chicken
  • Bean salad (mix of canned beans) with oil, vinegar and seasonings


Everyone loves fruit, right? Well, during a hurricane you may crave it even more because it can be refreshing. Opt for these foods rather than fresh cut fruit that you’d need to keep cold.

  • Fresh fruits like apples and oranges stay fresh for a week or two without refrigeration
  • Dried fruits
  • Raisins
  • Canned/jarred fruits
  • Applesauce


Canned veggies are popular during a hurricane. These vegetables are the most common to eat without heating. Many brands now have “snacking” vegetable packs as well, that make eating vegetables even easier.

  • Corn
  • Beets
  • Green peas/green beans
  • Carrots
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Pickles


Bread is a great staple for hurricane season, because it can stay fresh for a couple weeks. Keeping whole grain bread on hand is perfect for PB&Js.

  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole grain cereals (you can eat this with boxed almond milk)
  • Soak oats or whole grain couscous overnight for “cooked” grains

Healthy Snack Foods

Reaching for chips and candy will leave you feeling lethargic and thirsty. These snack foods will leave you fuller for longer, so you won’t have to snack as much.

  • Energy/snack bars
  • Trail mix
  • Granola
  • Rice cakes
  • Pita chips
  • Dark chocolate

If your air conditioning or appliances are harmed during a hurricane, contact Home-Tech! Right after a hurricane hits, our NATE certified technicians are ready to help. Home-Tech Service Agreement Members receive priority emergency service. Learn more about our Service Agreements!

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*On a workload permitting basis.

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“The key difference is quite simple. Employees own the business,” says the CEO, Steve Marino. “I think it’s the perfect model for a service business in Southwest Florida. What we offer employees is a piece of their business. When someone is vested, when they own a stake in something, they are more likely to stay. What does this mean to our customers? Our employees really care that every experience you have, every service that is done is TOP NOTCH.”

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We have home warranty with Home-Tech. A/C was out when we got home yesterday. Called, within the hour they were out here. They ordered the part, was out today and had us up and running and no charge. We’ve always been so pleased with Home-Tech!
Bridgett A.