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refrigerator leak

Is there anything worse than stepping in a puddle with socks on? Yes… finding that puddle inside your house!

You may be asking yourself: why does my refrigerator leak? Luckily, the answer may not be so bad as there’s usually three simple reasons why.

Reason #1: Drain Pan Issues

Your refrigerator leaking may not even be a main concern as most refrigerators do leak some water. Typically, this condensation is caught by the drain pan between the fridge and floor. If the drain pan has any holes or cracks in it, then that might be the cause for your wet kitchen floors.

However, if you find that the drain pan has no damage and is still overflowing, then it might be a larger issue at hand.

Reason #2: The Defrost Drain is Blocked

As your freezer cools down its contents, there’s a small opening that leads to a pipe in the back of the fridge to let humid air out. This pipe is the defrost drain and needs to always be clear. If any ice, debris, or food items block this opening, then the condenser coils have to work twice as hard to cool your fridge.

This can cause your refrigerator to leak, because all the water that should have drained out or evaporated naturally starts to overflow into the drain pan or worse… your kitchen floor!

Reason #3: The Ice Maker or Water Dispenser is Cracked

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If you’ve already established that it’s not a cracked drain pan or blocked defrost drain, then there’s a chance it might be your ice maker or water dispenser.

More specifically, it could be the plumbing connections. Even a water filter could leak if it has any cracks in or around the unit that keeps it in place.

These cracks can cause water to come out of the pipes and down the front of your fridge, resulting in the refrigerator leak.

How to Fix a Refrigerator Leak

Although the best way to fix a refrigerator leak is to have an appliance expert (like Home-Tech) come to evaluate it, there are two simple things you can do right at home to hopefully fix the leaky fridge.

However, if your fridge is leaking coolant, it is highly recommended that you do not try to fix anything yourself! Coolant is very toxic and has to be disposed of in a specific manner.

Unblocking a Defrost Drain

If you’re sure it’s a block in the defrost drain, here are the four steps to help unclog it:

  1. Read your fridge manual to locate where the drain pipe is. Some fridges may have the pipe leading to the front near where the crisper drawer is.
  2. Take out any food that could possibly be blocking the hole to the drain, and unplug your fridge.
  3. Pour warm water down the drain. Do not use hot or boiling warm!
  4. Take a pipe cleaner or bottle brush to the inside of the pipe and gently scrub to unclog it.
  5. Plug your fridge back in and empty the drain pan manually for the next few days.

If you’re still having a leaky fridge, then the defrost drain may have a blockage deeper than where you can reach.

Cracked Ice Maker or Water Dispenser

To make sure it is a crack in the ice maker or water dispenser, be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Unplug your fridge and allow it time to fully shut off.
  2. Run your fingers down each water supply from the ice maker and water dispenser to the back of the fridge. The goal is to see if you can feel any small cracks.
  3. Check any valve fittings for dripping water, and tighten all connections. Do not over-tighten anything!
  4. Inspect the water filter (if you have one) for any build up, cracks, or general damage.
  5. Plug the fridge back in and empty the drain pan manually for the next few days.

If you didn’t find any cracks but are still having refrigerator leaks, then there may be a larger issue at hand.

Best Method: Call Home-Tech

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Although these are the simplest answers to why your refrigerator leaks, it may be something worse. The best method to fix a refrigerator leak is to call in the experts at Home-Tech!

With technicians available everyday from 7am to 10pm, we can help diagnose, repair, and even replace that leaky fridge.

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*On a workload permitting basis.

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Alfy came early and completed the service in a speedy manner. He was very courteous and did a great job. I am so happy to have Home-Tech and whenever I have needed service they are always prompt and do a wonderful job. Thanks so much!
Debbie D.