(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981

Is It Worth Getting a Warranty on a New Refrigerator?

If the stress of having to find a new refrigerator wasn’t enough, now there’s the worry of whether or not getting a warranty is worth the investment. With today’s refrigerators going for a starting price of $500, it’s certainly not a question...
Sabbath Mode: An Easy Explanation to What It Is

Sabbath Mode: An Easy Explanation to What It Is

In the late 1990s, kitchen appliances got some overdue upgrades that added lights, control panel screens, wall units, and other electrical components. While this brought our kitchens one step closer to the Jetson reality, the technology left out an entire group of...
How to Properly Clean Your Stainless Steel

How to Properly Clean Your Stainless Steel

We’ve scoured the internet (and bothered our own technicians) to get the inside scoop on how to properly clean your stainless steel appliances. There’s a few tried-and-true methods for getting those appliances sparkling, ranging from at-home DIYs to simply...
Why Is My Dryer Not Drying? The 2022 Answer to Your Agony

Why Is My Dryer Not Drying? The 2022 Answer to Your Agony

Dryer not drying even though it’s right in the name: dryer? With today’s smart technology, it’s a wonder dryers aren’t able to tell our phones what the problem is yet. Until that futuristic day, we’ll have to rely on good ole human...