(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981
Air Conditioning Replacement – What to Expect From Home-Tech

Air Conditioning Replacement – What to Expect From Home-Tech

What do you do when your air conditioner has broken for the last time? Look to Home-Tech to help you find the right air conditioning replacement system for your home. Table of Contents Comfort Specialists Make Air Conditioning Replacement Easy Our Goals for Your Air...
7 Tips to Guard Against Air Conditioning Repair Rip Off

7 Tips to Guard Against Air Conditioning Repair Rip Off

Every year there is at least a couple of news stories about air conditioning companies preying on SWFL residents. These companies are like the wolf at the door. You don’t want to let them in! We even made up a fictional company, Predat-Air, with a sly wolf...
Sweating Air Conditioning Vents? Try Closing the Windows

Sweating Air Conditioning Vents? Try Closing the Windows

People say “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” but sweating air conditioning vents can cause warping and/or other unwanted water damage to the air conditioning unit and its installation. There are times in SW Florida where we all feel the desire to open...
5 Clues to Detect Repair Rip Off

5 Clues to Detect Repair Rip Off

As children we all heard stories about the fictional Big Bad Wolf. He usually showed up in cautionary tales, cast as a dangerous predator, disguised as someone else. And we all know what he wanted – to eat somebody up! The “wolf in sheep’s...
Home-Tech Service Agreement Pays for Itself

Home-Tech Service Agreement Pays for Itself

Many of Home-Tech’s Members rest easy knowing they have a Service Agreement to cover expensive repair costs. In fact, they often tell us that a Service Agreement pays for itself. How could this be possible? Let’s see how. Table of Contents Service...