Why Does My Washer Leak and When Should Panic?
A washer leak is not only an annoyance but a major hindrance! Not only are you mopping every laundry day, but your clothes may get that mildew smell. Gross! There are a lot of reasons why your washer might be leaking, but not every reason needs a proper freak-out...
3 Quick Reasons Why Your Washer Shakes
If you are finding your laundry room has become a repeat noise complaint, it might be time to figure out exactly why your washing machine is shaking.

Purchase the Right Size Washer and Dryer for Your Laundry Room
Table of Contents Spacing Setup Best Sellers – Top Load Speed Queen GE Whirlpool Best Sellers – Front Load Stackable or All-In-One Spacing Front: There needs to be roughly 4 feet in front of the pair for easy loading/unloading. Behind: Approximately 6 inches is needed...
The Incredible Samsung 8700 Active Wash Top Load Washer
It’s that time of year – sun, fun, and unfortunately, lots of sweat. Laundry is multiplying with a vengeance in this 90-something degree weather and some folks are having to change their shirts several times a day. And if it’s not all about the perspiration, then it’s...