(800) 800-8356 Serving SW Florida Since 1981
Washer Smell: 5 Likely Causes and How to Fix Them

Washer Smell: 5 Likely Causes and How to Fix Them

A washer smell should be refreshing, clean, and nothing like what yours is smelling like right now! Whether it has the faint aroma of rotten eggs or the nose-grinding scent of sewer, here are the five most likely causes of your washer smell AND ways to fix it! Table...

Why Does My Washer Leak and When Should Panic?

A washer leak is not only an annoyance but a major hindrance! Not only are you mopping every laundry day, but your clothes may get that mildew smell. Gross! There are a lot of reasons why your washer might be leaking, but not every reason needs a proper freak-out...
Washer Repair or Replacement? 3 Valuable Reasons to Replace

Washer Repair or Replacement? 3 Valuable Reasons to Replace

Anytime an appliance needs a repair, it’s a drag, but when you need a washer repair, it can be more than a drag – it can turn into an exhausting mess. Table of Contents Washer Repair – Ugly Scenarios Out with the Old – In With the New Visit Home-Tech’s...