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Blog Archive

SWFL Traffic Light Power Outage Protocol

SWFL Traffic Light Power Outage Protocol

Hurricane Irma came in with a frenzy and did a number on a lot of our stop lights. They are out! There have already been many accidents and near misses because people don't know how things work when the power is out on a traffic light. Home-Tech has a lot of...

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Powerball Fever Hits Southwest Florida

Powerball Fever Hits Southwest Florida

We've spent a lot of time this week talking about Powerball fever. Your overly cautious Home-Tech Blogger isn’t much of a gambler. In fact, when my husband and I went to Vegas (first and only time) on our honeymoon ten years ago, we only played slots – and the minute...

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Home-Tech Trucks vs. Ugly Trucks

Home-Tech Trucks vs. Ugly Trucks

Have you ever seen a Home-Tech truck and thought about how pristine and clean it looks? We hope our trucks stand out from the others! To learn that there’s actually a day set aside every year to celebrate ugly trucks (yes, “National Ugly Truck Day” actually exists)...

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Kudos for Plumbing Repairs

Kudos for Plumbing Repairs

We've all had that bad feeling when you flush your toilet and nothing happens. Or worse, something crazy happens. We've all lain awake at night listening to the steady drip, drip, drip of a faucet somewhere in the house. Or we've heard someone else flush a toilet and...

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