In Southwest Florida, waiting days—or even weeks—for national companies to send out subcontractors isn’t just inconvenient; it’s unbearable, especially during an AC outage. Unlike others, we never subcontract. Our dedicated employees provide prompt, reliable service 7...
Helping SWFL One Home at a Time Habitat For Humanity & Home-TechAs SWFL’s leading home appliance and AC home warranty provider we wanted to partner with our local Habitat for Humanity chapter to help provide affordable living to the people of our communities....
The ARC Starlight Auction is a long-held tradition in Southwest Florida. We are thankful to the various volunteers and different charities in our communities. During this time of year, we tend to focus on charities and not-for-profits that provide meals for the...
Imagine this scenario: it’s the dead of July and your refrigerator decides it’s time for a lil’ nap. While your fridge is feeling lazy, you can’t help but panic about the $300 worth of groceries you just purchased at Publix – especially those...
Table of ContentsSWFL Children's Charities, IncThe SWFL Wine & Food Fest Supports Three BeneficiariesTheir Mission is to Provide The Employee Owners of Home-Tech were proud sponsors of the 2020 Southwest Florida Wine & Food Fest on February 21st & 22nd, 2020....
Home-Tech recently announced the promotion of one of our elite technicians, Nicholas Barnhart, to the position of Comfort Specialist. Table of Contents Nicholas “Nick” Barnhart at Home-Tech for 5 Years What did you enjoy most about being a technician with...